Roberto Henriquez wines are from vines over 200 years old, on a soil of great freshness. He believes in traditional winemaking methods and for that, we thank him! His wines are absolutely incredible and worth discovering.
Born in Concepcion, Chile in 1984, Roberto Henriquez immersed himself in the wine world thanks to his uncle. He studied agronomy and oenology, then travel around the world to immerse himself in the wine cultures of different countries. enriched in particular by winemaking practices in France, Canada, South Africa and of course, Chile.
In France, Roberto will meet Domaine Mosse, and Joseph Mosse himself will come to Chile in 2014, for 6 months, to discover Chilean practices. A rewarding adventure for everyone. Roberto Henriquez, convinced of the potential of his land and natural winemaking, will put into practice everything he has learned from his many experiences and personal knowledge.
It was in May 2015 that he started on his own. Roberto Henriquez sets up in the south, in the regions of Bio Bio and Itata. Where the vines are more than 200 years old, a chance in particular thanks to phylloxera which has not established itself in this sector. Roberto is one of those winegrowers who believe in zero input in the production of wines, especially in this part of the old south of Chile. A vision that does not reflect the Chilean culture, this one makes fun of traditional methods. The soils are very diversified, particularly in the Bio Bio region, with granitic, quartz, red clay, basaltic and alluvial soils.
The climate is rather favorable there to keep cool with a cool spring, temperatures that do not exceed 30 degrees in summer, and the transition between autumn and winter which is quite short.
Another characteristic of Roberto's wines, the altitude. Its vines are located on south-facing slopes, between 200 and 400 meters above sea level. Biodiversity is present there with the cultivation of different resources such as corn, fruit, all planted along the vines.